Fleece Johnson "Booty Warrior" will be released from Prison this year became famous from The Boondocks

Convicted felon Fleece Johnson, known to fellow inmates as the “Booty Warrior,” is set for release from prison soon. Johnson received notoriety for raping his fellow inmates when he appeared on the MSNBC TV show “Lockup.” During the taped interview, he explained in detail how he enjoyed “booty” and how he picked out his victims. Notably, Johnson stated that he enjoyed choosing prisoners who had sagging pants; to Johnson, it was an invitation to rape. Johnson is quoted as saying, “In prison booty is more important than water.”

Now, Johnson is scheduled to be released from prison in September 2015 and the Kentucky ‘Booty Warrior’ will be back on the streets. Johnson has been locked up in maximum security prison since 1979 and his raping fellow inmates is no joke. Now, seeing him walking down the street will be a source fear for all to experience.

The Booty Warrior was also feature on an episode The Boondocks!

MSNBC Interview:

Booty Warrior “Boondocks” episode: