Plenty of Oda fish in the sea (part 3)

Seiji Oda – Aero3
(From Aero3 single; 2022)

Seiji says RELAX. Aero3 in the breeze makes the trilogy complete. For Bay Area Rap fans who don’t know their Balearic from their balsamic, this is the holistic trinity of gentle giggin’. Protect Seiji’s metal neck at all costs.

Bonus beats: iconic moment at 0:36 in the How U Doin’? video where Seiji cucks some Chad on camera – a feat that’s all the more impressive given that Seiji is committing a Crime Against Clobber™ by wearing black socks with shorts. Ten toes down, Chad’s girlfriend up.

Seiji Oda – How U Doin’
(From How U Doin’ single; 2020)